Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Teresa of Avila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teresa of Avila - Essay Example She was born on 28th March 1515. Early in her young age Theresa was caught between the strict but honest father and romantic mother. She was caught between detached discipline and over attachment to worldiness. Though she lead an ordinary life , the sense of sin never left her, as she was drawn more and more into the worldly things like flirting and rebelling. At the age of 16, just to discipline her, her father had to send her to the Augustinian nun’s convent for education. Though she hated it first, she found the place less strict than her father; but due to illness she had to leave the place after 18 months. When the time came to choose between marriage and religious life, she chose the later because that was the only safe place for a person tempted by sin. She left for the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation at Avila were she was almost a loner. She started to learn and practice mental prayer to keep Jesus Christ always with her. But there were enough distractions in the convent. Nuns from the rich families were more attentive to their physical appearance than to their inner spiritual life. The prestige of a nun was measured not by piety but by money.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Carilion clinic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Carilion clinic - Assignment Example The suite attempted to block the merger due to the likely monopoly it would create in the area. There is a need for Carilion Clinic to provide their patients with affordable healthcare costs. In order to achieve this, a long term plan on good returns should be designed by Dr. Murphy and the board instead of overburdening the patients with hefty cost. A managerial overhaul ought to be in check. Good leadership is equivalent to success. Notwithstanding, the whole body should fashion their dedication to deliver healthcare towards firmly grounded values. The values will see to it an efficient workforce who put the patient ahead of profit maximization. Will long term policy on returns be better than increasing costs to cover subsidies and uncompensated care of the uninsured patients? Is there a need to revise the salaries to reflect a proportional remuneration to fair pricing on the patients? Is it wise to open referrals for patients who come from outside Carilions health network to boost the income? Does the Clinic need new managers? What is the driving force in Carilion Clinic, to provide good health care or to make money? These are some of the questions that need to be asked to evaluate  the alternative solutions. The favorable alternative will be of the change of management structure. Good management will oversee firm policies that will  stir Carilion Clinic ahead. On good leadership there will be total control of everything. This marks the beginning of the solution. Implementation of the decision starts with creating awareness of the current situation at hand. This involves lots of communication processes after which an introduction of an appropriate alternative will follow addressing the problems. A through process of action will be involved. The results are then to be evaluated through different ways such as feedback, interviews and assessments. When implementing the decisions certain targets are set. They will determine whether to repeat the process if